Welcome to New Life of Champaign
A Word From The Senior Pastor
We are a church that believes that life is an adventure. Adventure comes at us in many ways. Walking through the woods with my grandson is an adventure to him, while it is nothing new to me. Adventure is perceived through eyes of the unknown, not experienced, not understood, and never before thought of. Religion today does not have to be inside the box (to borrow the phrase). We need variety in our religious experiences, and you find that as you look through the Bible and read all that is there for us to experience.
We are not about mere religion or a specific denomination; we are about introducing people to the adventure that a life with Christ can bring and then challenging and encouraging them to live a life of significance for a significant God.
Whether you have never been to church, you have been hundreds of times, or you are returning from a long absence; we invite you to check us out and, more importantly, to get connected with Christ. Please spend a few minutes to browse the site for more details about the various ways we can meet your family’s needs.